8 Signs You Are Over Functioning and Tips to Combat It

Often times, when you are over functioning, you are doing WAY more work than you need to be doing. You aren’t affording yourself the opportunity to just be.

8 Signs you are over functioning:

  • You absorb the emotions of others and take on the responsibility of their problems.

  • You struggle or avoid asking for help because you don’t trust others will do it as well as you.

  • You try to control other people’s perceptions of you.

  • You struggle or fail to sleep, rest, be still, or enjoy downtime.

  • You try to control other people’s perceptions of you and their emotions by acting in a particular way.

  • You are overly accommodating in your opinions and actions to make other people happy.

  • You struggle to say no or cancel even when you are exhausted and overextended.

  • You always seek to be in charge during a crisis or conflict.

You might get to this point because somewhere along the line, you were led to believe that this is what fostering strong relationships, this is what helped you feel safe, and this is what helped you create safety in your environment.

A lot of time we don’t even realize that we can put some of these things down. That we don’t have to carry all of this weight that isn’t ours to carry. And, for so many of us, this can lead to burnout and a nervous system that is stuck in a hyperactive, survival state. When our nervous system gets stuck in this hyperactive state, it can start to feel more comfortable doing and less comfortable being. Less comfortable slowing down, less comfortable connecting with yourself, less comfortable being present, and less comfortable attending to your own stuff.

8 Tips to combat over functioning:

  • Mindfully connect with your senses at least once a day.

  • Set alarms on your phone that remind you to pause and take a breath throughout your day.

  • Ask for help.

  • Prioritize yourself.

  • Prioritize your rest and taking breaks.

  • Pause and breathe every time that someone else shares discomfort with you.

  • Disconnect and spend mindful time outside.

  • Start therapy.

If you are looking for professional help from a therapist or coach please don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.


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